Exhibitor and Sponsor Registration

Unfortunately, we no longer have Exhibit booth space available - we have sold out! If you would still like to be part of the 2025 ND Transportation conference, we have numerous sponsorship opportunities available yet. Thank you!

Please upload one of the following file types of your company’s logo: JPEG, PNG, TIFF.

Please select exhibit type:

10'x10' Exhibitor Booth includes: Pipe/drape, one 8'x30" draped table (if requested), two chairs, complementary Wi-Fi access, and access to power (extension cords NOT provided). Exhibitors may rent additional items for their booths in advance of the show. Exhibitor Order Form
20' X 40' space; one draped table (if requested), two chairs, complimentary electrical access in designated areas (extension cords NOT provided); complementary Wi-Fi access. Exhibitors may rent additional items for their booths in advance of the show. Exhibitor Order Form

Each vendor receives two free attendee registrations (below). Additional attendees can be registered here.

If you require any special accommodations related to a disability or other, please contact Phil Schultz at 701-328-4315 / pschlutz@nd.gov before Feb. 18.

Exhibitor #1
For special dietary needs, please check the box and leave a remark.
Exhibitor #2
For special dietary needs, please check the box and leave a remark.

Cancellation of Exhibitor Space & Loss of Payment:

  • Refunds before Jan 19 will be 100%
  • Refunds between Jan 19 to Feb 3 will be 50%
  • No Refunds will be provided after Feb 3
  • Registration fees will increase $100 after Feb 3

Assignment of Exhibitor Space: Space will be assigned by ND Transportation Conference at its sole discretion as contracts and payments are received and accepted. ND Transportation Conference reserves the right to make and/or change exhibitor space assignments as it deems appropriate. Every attempt will be made to ensure competitors will NOT be next to each other.

Exhibit Set-Up/Tear-Down & Staffing: Exhibitors who do not tear-down their exhibits by the end of the stated tear-down period will be charged a $250 tear-down/storage fee.

Liability for Damages or Loss of Property: Exhibitor agrees it will hold harmless and indemnify ND Transportation Conference, North Dakota Department of Transportation, Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, and North Dakota State University for any loss, damage, expense, or penalty arising from any action including an action based upon strict liability or negligence for personal injury or property damage to exhibitor, its employees, guests, or property.