March 4, 2025
Geographic Distribution of Motor Vehicle Collisions Involving Pedestrians Resulting in Fatal, Major and Minor Injuries in Winnipeg (2012-2020).
- Presentation
- Prairie Rose Room 103/104
- 03:20 PM
Learn about this study, which advances a transportation equity analysis that:
- Describes and illustrates the geographic distribution of the locations (intersections) associated with fatal and major injury collisions involving pedestrians at the city, community characterization area, and school division level;
- Strives to describe observed roadway’s characteristics in proximity to the collision’s location (intersection), including demographics (walk mode share of transportation) of the neighborhood; and
- Endeavors to establish perceived equity impacts of those collisions in the community; observes general patterns in pedestrian activity at the area-wide level; and considers the area’s overall functional land use in proximity to the intersection.
Findings from this study may support the design of proposed effective counter-measures to improve pedestrian safety at the geographic levels considered. Residents and area stakeholders will benefit from the implementation of data-driven solutions to reduce traffic collisions involving pedestrians and diminish their negative community impact.